A Tailor’s bunion, also known as a bunionette, is a bony prominence that forms at the base of the little toe, at the fifth metatarsal bone. This condition is similar to a bunion, but it affects the small toe rather than the big toe. The prominence typically occurs at the metatarsal head (the end of the bone where it meets the toe), and it can be both painful and unsightly.
Tailor’s bunions often run in families, indicating an inherited foot type that predisposes individuals to develop this condition. The fifth metatarsal bone begins to protrude outward, while the little toe shifts inward. This misalignment creates a bump on the outer side of the foot, which becomes irritated when pressure from shoes presses against it.
In some cases, a tailor’s bunion may develop due to a bony spur—an outgrowth of bone on the side of the fifth metatarsal head.
Tailor’s bunions are typically easy to diagnose based on their visual appearance. X-rays may be taken to determine the extent of the deformity and assess the underlying cause.
Initial treatment for a tailor’s bunion usually involves non-surgical options aimed at alleviating pain and reducing irritation. Your foot and ankle surgeon may recommend one or more of the following:
If conservative treatments fail to relieve pain or if the bunionette causes persistent discomfort, surgery may be considered. Surgical options depend on factors such as the extent of the deformity, age, activity level, and the individual’s overall health. The surgeon may recommend various procedures, including the removal of the bony prominence or other methods to realign the foot.
The length of the recovery period will vary depending on the specific procedure used.
If you are suffering from a tailor’s bunion, visit one of our four New Jersey offices. Our experienced podiatrists—Dr. Kaufman, Dr. Rallatos, Dr. Visperas, Dr. Gonzales, and Dr. Anthony—are skilled in both conservative and surgical treatment of tailor’s bunions and can help alleviate your pain.
Offices Locations:
For more information, visit Innovative Foot & Ankle or contact us to schedule an appointment.