Peripheral Vascular Disease is a condition in which the arteries that carry blood to the arms and legs become clogged, slowing or stopping blood flow. It is a gradual process where by cholesterol and scar tissue build up inside the artery, forming plaque that clogs the artery. Complications include sores that do not heal, ulcers, gangrene or infections. Rarely, amputation may occur. Treatment of PVD includes smoking cessation, a healthy diet, diabetes, blood pressure and lipid control. Medications that prevent blood clots and the build up of plaque in the arteries are also used in treatment of PVD .Do not hesitate to ask your doctor about PVD screening if you do smoke, have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, a family history of heart disease or are overweight. For more information about how Peripheral Vascular disease can effect your feet, visit or Contact Innovative Foot and Ankle to set up an appointment at one of our 4 convenient New Jersey Locations.